A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    A Challenging & Supportive Academic Environment

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi.

    Bhavans Logo

    Education is the means of developing our greater abilities, because in each of us there is great hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. More

    Shri P.G.Subramanian,


    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram.


    About Us

    Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, a co-educational school in Chennai is a prominent offspring of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an institution of national repute and Indian Culture. Founded by the exceptional and eminent Indian Dr. K.M. Munshi. The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has its Main Office in Mumbai and successfully manages its academic institutions nationwide.

    Having blossomed from humble beginnings, Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyahsram which began in 1977, is today a prestigious learning centre managed by the Bhavan's Chennai Kendra. The institution boasts of a spacious campus in Kilpauk, which was donated by Shri.V.Pattabhiram a distinguished citizen of India.

    More About Us


    The School provides an atmosphere conducive to preserving and reviving Indian Culture, offering Quality Education, taking into consideration the aspirations and needs of the Student Community. The Curriculum combines a variety of courses in arts and sciences to develop a desired learning experience. The Student Teacher Ratio is optimum with an average class strength of 40.


    The School prepares students for the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Examination.

    The medium of instruction is English and the students are expected to learn three languages.

    1. Foundation
    2. Primary
    3. Junior
    4. Senior

    Groups & Subjects offered for Classes 11 & 12

    • Group 1       -   English Core, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Biology.
    • Group 1 A    -   English Core, Psychology, Physics, Chemistry & Biology.
    • Group 2       -   English Core, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science
    • Group 3      -   English Core, Mathematics, Business Studies, Accountancy & Economics.
    • Group 3 A   -   English Core, Marketing, Business Studies, Accountancy & Economics
    • Group 3 B   -   English Core, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Accountancy & Economics.
    • Group 3 C   -   English Core, Informatics Practices, Business Studies, Accountancy & Economics.
    • Group 4      -   English Core, Economics, Legal Studies Psychology & Sociology.

    Tests & Examinations

    Promotion to the next higher class is based on the child's performance during the academic year. A record of internal assessment is maintained for this purpose. Parents are therefore requested to inculcate regulated study habits in their wards with careful supervision throughout the year.

    Reports of the terminal examinations are given three times a year. Parents are requested to collect the reports on specified dates and return them the following day after careful scrutiny. They must encourage further achievement in areas where they are strong and take remedial measures when advised by the teachers.


    Applications for admissions to classes above I Std would be subject to available vacancies. Students newly admitted must promptly produce the Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate from the school last attended. The school authorities reserve the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason. The authorities may also reserve the right to expel students whose conduct / progress is unsatisfactory.

    Rules & Regulations


    1. All students must be in the school premises by 7.55 am. Timings for K.G. children is 8.45 am..

    2. Students will not be allowed to leave once they enter the school. They will be permitted to leave only at the end of the scheduled timings

    3. Late-coming to school more than 3 times a year will be sternly dealt with.

    Dress Code:

    1. Students must come to school in proper uniform and clean shoes with white socks every day.

    2. Girls must wear a black hair band in case of short hair. Shoulder length hair must be tied in two ponytails. Girls with long hair must make two plaits as part of dress code.

    3. Boys must have a decent haircut regularly and keep the hair short and clean. Unkempt long hair, stylish cuts will not be entertained.

    4. Hair colouring, gold jewellery in any form, long nails, nail polish, huge ashy wrist watches or accessories for both girls and boys respectively is unacceptable.

    5. Students coming to school on non-instructional days must be only in SCHOOL UNIFORM with the Identity Card.

    Test/Retest Code:

    1. A student who is unwell must not attend school (refer school diary for quarantine period).

    2. In the event of an illness, students will not be granted permission to appear for the test alone and leave immediately thereafter.

    3. On doing so, such students will be marked absent for the test and the paper will not be evaluated.

    4. Retest will be conducted only for students who are ‘on duty’ on a test day i.e. students who represent the school for an academic or co-scholastic event will be permitted to sit for a retest.

    5. On the strength of a medical certificate alone, students on health grounds will be given a retest.


    Students found violating the School rules will be SUSPENDED from school, with immediate effect, for 3 days. No excuses will be entertained. This includes

    a. Carrying of cell-phones, I-pods, cameras or large sums of money. Once confiscated shall not be returned back.

    b. Any form of misbehavior – including damage to school property.

    c. Usage of photographs of the school or themselves in school uniform in any capacity without prior permission from the Principal.

    d. Using foul language

    e. Bullying in any form

    f. Littering in classes, corridors, campus despite repeated instructions will warrant severe action.

    g. Monetary transactions between children viz. buying/selling accessories, luring classmates in such activities will be severely dealt with.

    h. Damaging of school property will be severely dealt with.

    Leave Taking:

    1. The school does not encourage leave taking in general.

    2. Long leave will be granted only in the case of exigencies and under unavoidable circumstances.

    3. Absenting oneself a day prior to a test or exam will bar the student from appearing for the scheduled test/exam.

    4. Absenteeism on a working Saturday will not be allowed.

    5. Leave for attending functions, outstation events etc. should be intimated prior to the leave taking.

    6. Leave requests must be raised online using School Skies account.


    1. It is mandatory for students to attend special/remedial classes that have been scheduled in the student’s interest.

    2. Practical work, journal writing, records and the like must be duly completed and assessed as per schedule, failing which, the student will not be permitted to do the practical work.

    3. Submission of assignments, projects, written activity, both classwork and homework for all subjects should be carried out on the specified date.

    Note To Parents:

    1. Parents please ensure that the mobile numbers provided by you are solely and exclusively attended by you.

    2. Do ensure that your ward brings the School diary daily along with the respective books and materials as per the time table.

    3. Kindly discourage your children from driving to school on two-wheelers. This is in the interest of your child’s safety.

    4. Parents must take prior permission after informing the office, to meet the class/subject teacher. The meeting can be scheduled only after school hours.

    5. Parents are requested to check the school website for regular updates on circulars, announcements etc.

    6. We seek the whole-hearted co-operation of all parents for the complete well-being of your children and request your special monitoring irrespective of school/teachers instructions.

    ALL STUDENTS MUST ABIDE BY THIS CODE OF CONDUCT. Any student found violating this CODE will be suspended with immediate effect.

    NOTE : Parents to be aware that the school has provided numerous avenues to receive updates and alerts of ongoing activities and results. You have a Parents portal, SMS alerts, Email alerts, requesting information via a support ticket using the support tab on our website. If you have unsubscribed to email or blocked your SMS by opting out please do so with caution. If you have stopped receiving alerts please raise a support ticket on our website via support tab. Not having relevant information with all the facilities provided amounts to ignorance by choosing not to keep abreast with current affairs and the school will not undertake any responsibility for non receipt of communication and the parents indemnify the school against any legal actions or proceedings.

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    Fee Instruction for 2021-2022

    There is no increase in the school fee for the academic year-2021-2022.
    The fee portal will remain open for the whole of this academic year. Parents can pay the fees according at their convenience.
